DienChan Care Global Network

DienChan Official Certification Service

At DienChan, we offer an official certification system for individuals who have completed our training courses and have accumulated enough clinical experience to become certified professionals. Our certification system recognizes and rewards the hard work, dedication, and talent of practitioners who have completed our training and have shown exceptional proficiency in DienChan therapy.

We offer the following DienChan certifications:

  1. DienChan Certified Practitioner (DCCP): This certification is for beginners who have never practiced DienChan therapy or used any DienChan tools/devices before. The DienChan Fundamental class is a prerequisite for this certification. After passing the final exam, graduates will become a certified DienChan practitioner and can provide free treatment for their family members, relatives, and friends as healthcare support.
  2. DienChan Certified Specialist (DCCS): This certification is for individuals who have completed the DCCP course and wish to become certified professionals in DienChan therapy. Graduates of this course will receive 8 additional DienChan tools and will be eligible to provide treatment services via the Platform/App and receive payment. DCCS students are required to record their clinical experience on the venture’s platform. After accumulating enough clinical experience (six months or 120 patients), DCCS students will officially be certified by the venture and can offer treatment/services and be compensated via the venture’s platform.
  3. DienChan Certified Instructor (DCCI): This certification is for individuals who have completed the DCCS course and wish to become certified DienChan instructors. After accumulating enough clinical experience (24 months or 500 patients), DCCI students will officially be certified by the venture and receive 10 DienChan tools and licenses to provide DienChan training classes and distribute DienChan tools/devices. Recording clinical experience is mandatory for DCCI students. DCCI practitioners can offer treatment/services and be compensated via the venture’s platform.
  4. Accredited DienChan Master (ADCM): This certification is for excellent DienChan practitioners who have accumulated enough clinical experience and have proven their talent. The program is only for practitioners who have practiced for at least three years after completing the DienChan Instructor program and have solved complex cases. The goal of the program is to learn new approaches and enrich treatments while integrating subtle concepts in the practice of Dien Chan that require previous experience. During the program, practitioners will learn to develop treatment plans that integrate theoretical principles from DienChan, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Western medicine. This includes the application of acupuncture meridians, multi-reflexologic bridges, and other advanced techniques. DienChan Masters  are recognized for their exceptional proficiency in DienChan therapy and receive exclusive rights and benefits.

We believe that our certification system adds value to our training courses and promotes excellence in DienChan therapy. Our certification system provides an official recognition of the skills and knowledge of our practitioners, and it also helps clients choose a qualified practitioner. We encourage our students to record their clinical experience on our platform for future reference and to enhance their skills.

DienChan training service: DienChan Training Classes – DienChan Care Global Network

Join our training courses and become a certified DienChan practitioner today!

IMPORTANT: In order to become a proficient Dien Chan practitioner, it is crucial to receive quality training from an approved trainer who has a required certification and has signed a partnership contract with Professor Chau, the Dien Chan inventor. An approved trainer/instructor is registered at the accredited Dien Chan facilities (e.g.: Dien Chan Academy in Paris, Japan, Italy…) and can present their required certificate (e.g. level 10 if registering in Dien Chan Academy in Paris) and partnership contract as proof. All official training programs must be led by an approved trainer and are accredited by Professor Chau.

Many sites, centers or schools offer internships and training in Dien Chan, and some claim to be ‘approved by Professor Châu.’ However, we highly recommend that you check that any Dien Chan training you consider is well-accredited and ask for the supporting documents mentioned above.

DienChan Care Inc is the exclusive entity authorized, besides Dr. Prof. Chau himself, to offer official Dien Chan training and certification programs, which includes all intellectual property and legal rights inhered from Dr. Prof. Bui Quoc Chau.