DienChan Care Global Network

Blood fortig
DienChan point Location: - 22: Score between 127 and 87 - 127: The deepest point of the chin curve - 17: The intersection of the tangent line in the iris of the pupil and the line that bisects the median fissure - 113: The intersection of the inner corner of the eye and the bifurcation of the median sulcus - 7: Next to the trench of the human heart - 63: Midpoint of the median groove - 50: The intersection of the line across the edge of the nose and the middle of the iris of the right pupil - 19: The end point becomes the bridge of the nose - 39: The intersection between the horizontal line of the outer edge of the nose and the line of the nose and cheeks (ordinance line) - 37: The intersection of the line dividing the wings of the nose and the line between the iris of the left pupil - 1: The point is on the midline on the tip of the nose - 0: Inner ear jar end point
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Qi Regulation
DienChan point Location: - 34: The first point of the eyebrow is 1mm - 290: Acupressure point 1 - 156: The end point of the chin curve (2 sides)
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Used to detoxify / detoxify the liver, for cases of allergies, urticaria. Cut salonpas into small squares of 4mm and paste according to the diagram below within 1-2 weeks (paste 1-3 times/day, save 2-3 hours high, paste at night, wake up in the morning to remove), and pay attention to the color / smell of feces, urine, and sweat to see its effectiveness. If you are not sure about the point, you can use a small rake to scratch down at that point. Acupoint Location: - 26: between the eyebrows - 3: intersection of the line between the iris of the eye pupil and the tip of the tip of the nose coming out - 50: intersection of the line between the iris of the right pupil and the edge of the nose coming out - 41: intersection of the tangent line to the outside of the iris of the right eye pupil and the level of the outer edge of the nose - 233: create with 50, 41 an equilateral triangle (corresponding to the 3 divided end of the comet tree) - 38: intersection of the line between the iris of the pupil and the line that bisects the median sulcus - 85: the lower lip meets the corner of the mouth downwards - 87: the highest point of the chin - 143: middle of the nose wall
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